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Care and Education Inspired by Children’s Rights

by Ankie Vandekerckhove
July/August 2013
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/care-and-education-inspired-by-childrens-rights/5021224/

“It is important that wider societal interests are reflected in early childhood systems, including respect for children’s rights, diversity, and enhanced access for children with special and additional learning needs.”
(OECD, Starting Strong II, Paris, 2006, p. 18)

The Convention on the Rights of the Child

With the almost universal ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the child as a human rights’ bearer became a new topic on the political agenda. From a mere object in need of protection and care, often considered to be some kind of ‘possession’ of ­parents, children and young people are now to be considered as bearers of rights, competent meaning-makers, individual members of society, and a separate social category to take into account.

Although children’s rights seem to be implemented more in compulsory education, we should also recognise the added value here of ECEC services with their diverse and many possibilities to work with young children and their ­parents in a pedagogical context, inspired by children’s rights. As ­children’s rights apply to every child, of any age between birth and 18, it is never too soon to start translating these human rights in all sorts of educational settings.

We have seen how legislation, ...

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