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Docia Shares A Story - Masters Of Their Imaginary Universe

by Docia Zavitkovsky
September/October 2001
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/docia-shares-a-story-masters-of-their-imaginary-universe/5014117/

In a recent article titled "Smart Toys Leave Nothing to the Imagination," David Colker wrote, "Toys were once powered by imagination and dreams; the toys on display at the American International Toy Fair in New York this week depend more on batteries, remote controls, and complex circuitry. Sure this gadget has a huge "gee-whiz" factor, but it forces kids to be passive entertainment consumers rather than masters of their imaginary universe."

I believe this is true, but I am happy to say that there are early childhood programs all over the country brimming with activities that give young children freedom and opportunity to power up their own imaginations and dreams.

Bea Stern and Barbara Foolsco, at one of the many workshops given at the 5th Annual Annabelle Godwin Playday at Los Angeles Mission College celebrating the Month of the Young Child, brought a wonderful variety of materials for children to experience how things feel - rough, smooth, hard, soft; to recognize colors, shapes, designs, and forms; to use measuring tools to measure and compare amounts and become aware of sizes and shapes using math terms - more, less, half, whole, none - in other words, to have fun and learn at the same ...

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