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Helping Employees Cope with Change

by Lorraine Schrag, Elyssa Nelson, and Tedi Siminowsky
September/October 1985
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/helping-employees-cope-with-change/5004503/

• In response to community demand, the ABC Day Care Center opened a room for infants. The new program was an instant success and soon had a waiting list. However, staff in the preschool rooms were less than excited. The director spent so much time in setting up the new room that she barely had time to help the rest of the staff with their problems. In addition, budgets for classroom supplies were cut to the bone in order to equip the new room.

• The head teacher in the four year old room quit after ten years of teaching at Happy Days Nursery School, and was replaced by a new teacher. The rest of the teachers were upset that they were not considered for promotion, and were threatened by the new teacher who arrived with lots of enthusiasm and new ideas.

• The arrival of the computers was greeted with delight by the children and with despair by the teachers at the Elm Street After School Program. The teachers were intimidated by the computers, and were afraid that their rapport with the children would disappear in a rush of arcade fever.

These are three typical examples of change, and its impact on staff, ...

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