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Humor as a Tool in the Workplace

by Jerry Parr
July/August 2000
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/humor-as-a-tool-in-the-workplace/5013448/

First, disclaimers: One, if this article were ever found in a refereed journal, the ref would have a couch, writing tablet, and prescription pad. Two, just because a committee did not review this article does not cause it to lack credibility; its total lack of relevance and authenticity cause it to lack credibility. Three, you can't teach your own kids to drive, edit your own written work, or manage your own department. Four, if you want something more tasteful than this article, chew gum.

A brief history of humor in early childhood:

In the Beginning . . .

. . . The very, wicked meanie monster saw the child care director laughing and enjoying her job and said I must make this stop. The meanie monster held a meeting with all the other meanie monsters to delegate responsibilities. The other meanie monsters formed committees, and soon, task forces, to study ways to stop the child care director from having so much fun. Fear spread amongst the ranks of the meanie monsters that if her humor were not soon stopped it could spread from the land of children and infect other workplaces. One alarmist meanie went so far as to suggest that if humor was ...

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