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Marketing Your Center's Services to Employers - Putting Your Best Foot Forward

by Sandy Duncan and Donna Thornton
January/February 1993
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/marketing-your-centers-services-to-employers-putting-your-best-foot-forward/5008953/

A corporate CEO steps to the microphone and pronounces that supporting the community's youngest members supports his company's bottom line. Then he turns and cuts the ribbon for his company's shiny new on-site child care center. In recent years this scene has played frequently on the nightly news. The first wave of companies seeking to address the child care needs of their employees typically were attracted to this dramatic, high-visibility solution.

Recently, however, companies addressing the child care issue have been more inclined to look to the existing child care community for solutions (Exchange, September/October 1992). In this article we will present ideas on how you may promote employer interest in purchasing services from your center. But first let's examine some economic trends.
Corporations and Child Care

Child care, the hot employee benefits topic of the 1980's, seems to have gone underground during the last few years, taking a back seat to the issues of loss of jobs and the recessionary economy. But with economic forecasters predicting an impending turnaround and drop in unemployment, many in the child care industry are betting that child care will once again become an important benefit to businesses concerned with issues of ...

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