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The Case for Bull Dogs and Mother Hens

by Bonnie and Roger Neugebauer (with illustrations by Charlie Loving)
January/February 1996
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/the-case-for-bull-dogs-and-mother-hens/5010711/

When Michael Jordan returned to basketball last year, everyone assumed that this would guarantee another championship for the Chicago Bulls. But it didn't happen. It didn't happen because Michael Jordan tried to do it all himself . . . and failed. A successful basketball team not only needs a shooter, it also needs strong rebounders, shot blockers, passers, playmakers, and defenders.

All teams - be they in the world of sports, business, or social service - need role players in order to be effective. In child care centers, having effective role players is no less important.

In our experience, every center needs the following types of role players. As you read this, you should be noting the individuals on your team who play each of these roles.


Every center needs a staff member to propose new ideas, to surface problems, and to point out opportunities. The Instigator's role might be as simple as saying, "We need to solve the problem of parents arriving late" or as complicated as "We seem to be getting a lot of pregnant parents - isn't it time we start thinking about offering infant care?"

In early childhood programs, the Instigator is often played by ...

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