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The Same Way, Again and Again

by Karen Miller and Heather Wenig
September/October 1996
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/the-same-way-again-and-again/5011167/

Nicholas always sits in the same spot at Miss Tanika's table. Today, however, the chairs have gotten mixed up. When it's time for lunch, Nicholas walks to his usual spot, checks the back of the chair for his picture, then sits down - even though it is not his picture! There is a great fuss as his teachers try to get everyone into their own chairs.

When Derek first began attending our program, he was enrolled part time. He arrived each day at the beginning of naptime. When he woke up, he would eat snack, play outside, and then mommy would be there. Derek relied on the consistency of these events to give him an idea of when his day in child care would be done. Several weeks later, Derek's parents enrolled him full time. This is obviously confusing to Derek. At each time of transition or clean-up, he will find one of the teachers and ask, "Sleep?" He is trying to fit the new activities into his established framework.

Jake has been part of our class for some time and is obviously comfortable with us. Each morning, however, he clings to ...

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