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“What’s the Plan?”

by Dennis Vicars
July/August 2008
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/whats-the-plan/5018284/

The plan is this �" we need one! In order for a successful center/school to achieve all it can for its children, staff, and operator, a plan is critical. As you hopefully recall from the last “Management Maxim,” I stated that good planning begins by looking into the future that you want for your center/school. Be as descriptive as possible in writing down the details of what that future looks like. Next, walk backwards from that future to the present, and the stepping stones become obvious.

Budgeting is a way to take that future you want and break it down into achievable, measurable pieces (stepping stones) that act as a tool in your journey. The budgeting tool can be as simple as a ‘checkbook’ type format where you have X amount to spend each month based on revenue or as sophisticated as a spreadsheet with categories, line items, and ‘actual vs. plan’ for each month and year to date. Regardless of what degree of detail you desire, certain elements within any budgeting format are a must.

First, plan annually. For most, the fiscal year and calendar year will coincide. Many state or federal programs are in sync with the governmental fiscal year, i.e., ...

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