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When Disaster Strikes: What to Do When You Have Children in Your Care

by Paul Myers and Mark Mendel
January/February 2014
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/when-disaster-strikes-what-to-do-when-you-have-children-in-your-care/5021580/

Part 2 of a 3-Part Series on Child Care Emergency Preparedness and Response

Disaster can strike anywhere at any time, but we seldom think it will happen to us.

In our first article (Exchange, September/October 2013), we covered the basic criteria for creating a site-specific emergency preparedness plan. Nothing is more important than a solid plan that is practiced regularly and communicated to all paid staff, volunteers, and parents or guardians as it is the foundation for what child care providers should do before, during, and after an emergency. Create a plan now, before an emergency occurs, so staff can respond quickly and effectively, protecting all children in their care.

Fortunately, for many natural disasters we have some prior warning; we can see that a potential hurricane or blizzard is approaching and close schools and care facilities in advance to ensure that children are with their families should a serious situation arise. But sudden-onset emergencies like fires, tornadoes, or intruders can be more problematic. In these situations, it is likely that child care providers will have to act as the first line of response in protecting the children in their care.

When Disaster Strikes

Emergencies are often unpredictable, intense situations requiring adult leaders to ...

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