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Cultivate the Scientist in Every Child

by Alexandra Cruickshank and Ellen Hall
May/June 2015
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/cultivate-the-scientist-in-every-child/5022318/

"Is it utopian to propose that teachers be permitted and expected to learn too?" — Frances Hawkins

"If teachers can join us in mapping paths into subject matter, they are on their way to being able to do so for children." — David Hawkins

Frigid, Rocky-Mountain-winter temperatures accompanied the opening weekend of the exhibit, Cultivate the Scientist in Every Child: The Philosophy of Frances and David Hawkins. Educators from across the country, braving the cold, bundled up and met in Boulder to celebrate. They gathered in the University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Bio Lounge to mess about with materials that inspire curiosity, wonder, and engagement: stones of all shapes and sizes, lightbulbs with delightful filaments, balancing blocks and tinker toys, and so many more, found and salvaged from nearby.

Workshop participants began the morning working in groups, with identical trays of sand and a variety of tools, including magnets, tweezers, water droppers, toothpicks, and graph paper. Their instructions were purely: play. The end results of their open-ended time looked vastly different. One group dedicated their hour to studying sand and integrating pebbles, using the multiple seriations naturally occurring in grains ...

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