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Meet Josie Disterhoft - Lutheran General Children's Day Care

by Bonnie Neugebauer
March/April 2005
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/meet-josie-disterhoft-lutheran-general-childrens-day-care/5016284/

It’s really a simple premise. You do two things in life: you love and you work.  For you to both love and work successfully, you have to know yourself. We are our best with children, the best teachers and the best parents, when we know children very well, by observing, making hypotheses about them, by listening to what they are telling us about themselves. But there’s a lot of self-forgetting in this field. Really, you can’t love another or be of service if you don’t stop to know yourself first. In the programs of Lutheran General Children’s Day Care, Director Josie Disterhoft inspires actions to support teachers and administrative staff in building this self-knowledge.

Self Knowledge

It is this sense of empowerment that I like to encourage among our staff, particularly teacher leaders and administrative staff �" a sense of power over their lives. The notion of personal power has become more and more important to us in recent years. It is part of our definition of becoming better early childhood professionals. We have noticed over the years that early childhood teachers and administrators are so taken up by the habit, compulsion, and immediate rewards of giving that we forget about the job ...

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