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Becoming Who We Are: Celebrating Mentors in Children’s Books

by Jean Dugan
July/August 2014
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/becoming-who-we-are-celebrating-mentors-in-childrens-books/5021852/

Each of us can probably point to someone who saw in us who we really are and were meant to be �" someone who took us under her wing, or may have simply offered a word, or a book, or a few bucks to help us toward the right path. We may have paid that ­forward and mentored in turn, because as teachers and others who work with children we have that opportunity every step of the way. The children we meet are our mentors as well; they know which of our strengths makes us special and draws them to us. And let’s face it, in recent years each of us has probably had the experience of having a child as a technology mentor. Our mentors help us become who we are, and teach us what we are already capable of doing but may not realize ourselves.

Arun Gandhi’s first days on the ­Sevagram ashram with his famous Babu were not auspicious times in this true story. Not only did he have to share his grandfather with the ­hundreds of followers who lived there, but he couldn’t find any kids there to play cops and robbers with. And when he is tripped ...

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