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Here is to Children and Nature!

January/February 2016
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This edition of Wonder is focused on the Nature Action Collaborative for Children Universal Principle:

We believe it is important that children have daily access to nature-based outdoor and indoor environments in their early childhood programs and schools.

Happy New Year! Let’s celebrate the dawn of 2016 with a renewed commitment to provide every child with her own ‘just right’ opportunities to connect with the natural world. Let’s make our education environments into places where children can dance in the wind, discover bugs, grow a flower, cry in the rain, create with rocks, share their feelings, feed their sense of wonder, investigate hands-on, ask deep questions, and dream the impossible. 

Our children are ready and waiting. Let’s all do at least one new thing to provide them with more opportunities than before.

Reflection: Levi's Peace Garden

from Barb Meraz, UCDC Site Director, Southeast Missouri State University/Sikeston, United States

"One love…," the Bob Marley song played softly on the CD player as the preschool children at our Sikeston University Child Development Center at Southeast Missouri State University glued brightly colored collage items on the black felt cut-out. The word L-O-V-E was spelled out. This collaborative project came about through a discussion on peace. "Peace and quiet," ...

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