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Improving Leadership and Management Practices

by Jill Bella
July/August 2008
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/improving-leadership-and-management-practices/5018206/

All change, even the changes we perceive as positive, can create stress. As a result, many people naturally resist change. In our society we applaud those who make bold, grand changes, taking on monumental tasks or implementing ground-breaking, innovative initiatives. When successful these bold changes are celebrated, but when they fail the results are devastating �" often forcing people to step backward and lose faith in future attempts at change.

Fortunately, there are other ways to approach change. In the Japanese culture there is a concept referred to as kaizen. Kaizen emphasizes taking small, doable steps in any change process, personal or organizational. The well-known quote from Lao Tzu captures this philosophy, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.” Kaizen involves asking small questions, taking small actions, and solving small problems. Approaching change from this perspective helps eliminate the fear and resistance that can accompany the change process. By re-conceptualizing change as a series of small incremental steps, real improvements seem more achievable, yet the ultimate goal remains great.

Taking small steps toward change is a sensible way to improve the leadership and management practices in your early care and education program. As a ...

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