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Tools and Strategies for Group Work: Establishing a Culture of Professionalism, Collaboration and Positive Work Ethic

by Christine Snyder
May/June 2020
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/tools-and/5025310/

A common skill required among the many leadership and management roles in early childhood education is the ability to help people work together professionally, collaboratively and with a positive work ethic. Leaders often struggle with getting members of teaching teams to get along, engage adult learners in evaluation and growth processes, and establish a shared vision among a large program. While leaders in ECE receive significant knowledge and guidance through formal education and ongoing professional development on topics including child care administration, program management, adult learning styles, how to give feedback, and so on, there often remain unanswered questions to successful leadership. How do we get early childhood educators to work together positively and productively? How do we remedy a negative atmosphere in a school? What do we do when there is tension among staff and teachers? This article is a guide through field-tested strategies to help early childhood professionals work better together through examining organizational culture, establishing a shared vision, reflecting on leadership practices, considering external factors impacting teacher engagement, and implementing concrete action steps to address tension. 

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