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A Manner of Speaking Jul/Aug '95

by Bonnie Neugebauer
July/August 1995
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/a-manner-of-speaking/5010428/

Through every word spoken - and unspoken, every comment withheld, every question asked and answered - we influence the self-image development of the people whose lives we touch. Even the strongest egos among us give pause when someone challenges: "Putting on a little weight?" And it isn't only our words that have impact - time and attention are also powerful tools for our use and abuse. Whether we accept this power willingly or reluctantly, we participate in it.

Judy, a talented artist in her own right, decided to take a painting class. "You certainly aren't a portrait painter!" commented her instructor one fine day. And, angered by his appraisal of her work, Judy set out to prove him wrong.

Andrew, age five, was called "Stupid" by one of his classmates. Will he be resilient enough to blow off the cruel label? Or will he use it to define who he is - who he will become?

Each of us constructs are own image of who we are through our inner journeys and outward actions and through the selves we see in the words and actions of others. The process of integrating all these selves to ...

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