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Dinosaur Day Camp: What To Do When Children Hit, Kick, Pinch, Spit . . .

by Roslyn Duffy
November/December 2006
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/dinosaur-day-camp-what-to-do-when-children-hit-kick-pinch-spit-.-.-./5017258/

�" Situation �"

Adults say:

“Did you push Johnny down?”

“You cannot spit at your sister!”

“Mikey’s your friend. How could you pinch him?”

Children’s real answers (if they could say them):


“But I just did.”

“Here, I’ll show you how it’s done.”

�" Solution �"

It isn’t about size

Have you ever heard or made statements like these? Hitting, pushing, pinching, or kicking are upsetting; and spitting really invites outrage. But the truth is that when one child hurts another, both children suffer and neither is able to listen nor do much ‘thinking’ about it. Why? Welcome to Dinosaur Day Camp.

Dinosaur Day Camp

Children must learn to play with others, share and control their impulses. We all know what it feels like to want to wallop someone (even if we only admit it to ourselves); but as adults, our brain development allows us to control these impulses.

Children’s brains and bodies are still growing and the part of their brains that work best early on, is the part in charge of instincts, basic survival, and nonverbal communication �" a.k.a. the Dinosaur Brain. So let’s imagine a day at Jolly Jurassic Preschool.

Baby Brontosaurus hums as she digs in the sandbox, then as soon as she sets her shovel aside, T. (for ...

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