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From a Parent's Perspective - A Real Journey - Not a Virtual One

by Roslyn Duffy
May/June 2000
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/from-a-parents-perspective-a-real-journey-not-a-virtual-ones/5013382/

- Situation -

I want to change my behavior but I get really discouraged. I read about a new way to get my children to help with chores, stare with envy as my neighbor's kids pile into the car without a fuss, or watch a teacher calm my child down with just a few words, and I want those things, too.

The problem is that whenever I try to make a change I forget and go right back to my old way of doing things. I just keep blowing it!

- Solution -

Most of us don't recognize the steps involved in changing a behavior. We need to think of change as an action verb rather than as a noun. Change takes place over time, through a series of steps, and with lots of mistakes along the way.

The building block of change is skill acquisition, and skills don't come easily - to anyone. Remember learning to swim? At first you were terrified and afraid to even get your face wet. Then you bobbed and gasped and drank a lot of water. After a while you got brave enough to tiptoe in shallow water. Next you discovered the fun of buoyancy and began showing ...

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