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Having Time for Children

by Ilse Elisabeth Plattner
November/December 2001
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/having-time-for-children/5014208/

"No time!" For many people the idea of having children is associated with joy and fun. Young couples look forward to the birth of their first child. Professional child caregivers chose their career out of their love and interest for children. However, the moment the children are there, there seems not to be enough time for them. Because for many adults normal everyday life is to a large extent characterised by stress, a hectic life-style, and lack of time.

Time-oriented living patterns of adults determine essentially the life of children, and the up-bringing of children itself often becomes a problem of organising time. The opening hours of childcare institutions have to be coordinated with working hours, business hours, and even television habits of a family. In many cases children are on their way, between day nurseries, leisure time activities, and the separated parents.

Because of the conviction that time has to be used permanently in an active and meaningful manner, children of these days also have a full programme and an appointment every day. Besides kindergarten or school and homework they have to go to the ballet, to music lessons, to sport activities, and so on. Such activities certainly have their values. ...

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