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Rekindling Our Inner Fire

by Roslyn Duffy
March/April 2007
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/rekindling-our-inner-fire/5017471/

�" Situation �"

At 2 a.m. your toddler begins to whimper, then howl. You grope your way to his bed, pick him up, change his diaper, and pat him as he relaxes back to sleep. But, it seems that no sooner do you crawl back under the covers and close your eyes, that the alarm blares its 6 a.m. wake-up summons.

Wrestling the children out of pajamas, into their clothes, and through a hurried breakfast of cold toast (with nothing for you) is next. Child care drop off, though mercifully without drama, is followed by a slow crawl through freeway traffic, interspersed with sips of cold coffee from your disposable cup.

At work, a reprimand from your boss for an unfinished report; a soggy sandwich eaten while catching up on e-mail; and two aspirin gulped down to quell a raging headache make up the day.

Back at home, you discover that the only dinner ingredients available are a cardboard carton of macaroni and cheese (at least something the children will eat!) and some very limp carrots. You are still pushing around a mushy forkful of orange glop when your three year old races in, tears streaming down her cheeks, to tell you her brother ...

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