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Welcome the Change Coming Soon to Your Life

by Debra R. Sullivan
March/April 2010
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/welcome-the-change-coming-soon-to-your-life/5019208/

“Welcome the change coming soon to your life” was the message in my fortune cookie last June. It wasn’t the most exciting fortune I had received so I threw it away. In July, my life changed drastically. But it wasn’t a change that I welcomed. In August I went out for ­sushi again and received another fortune cookie. It said, “Welcome the change coming soon to your life.” Maybe I needed to give that message some more thought.

In a recent conversation with other early childhood educators about change, four key questions surfaced:

1. How do we find ways to slow change?

2. How do you successfully lead people through change?

3. How does a leader use relationships and vision to lead change?

4. How do we ensure that training facilitates changes?

In answering each question, I thought about the message in my fortune cookie and how I had originally dismissed it as obscure and irrelevant. I realize now that there is nothing obscure and irrelevant about change. Sometimes it is planned and welcomed with open arms and sometimes it arrives unannounced and unexpected. Planned change requires strong vision. Unplanned change requires strong leadership. In either case, maybe we need to ...

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