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Helping Children Feel Safe and Loved

Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror.
Kahlil Gibran

“I hold this belief: as an educator, I want to live what I teach,” writes Holly Elissa Bruno in her new book: Happiness is Running Through the Streets to Find You.

“My mother, a woman of slogans, stressed: Practice what you preach. I believe each child and every adult deserves to be respected, listened to and appreciated for her or himself. While holding myself to this worthy standard of authenticity, I confounded my vision with something dark and un-seeable: Perfectionism fueled by terror. Perfectionism was a cover for my feeling unworthy and inadequate. I feared people would see my flaws and fire me….”

The author tells about the moment she learned to start telling the truth about herself, realizing, “I was the statistic I was talking about in my keynote” as she delivered talks to educators about child abuse.

“From my heart then,” she writes, “I thanked each early childhood professional for her/his life-giving role in helping children like me feel safe, protected, cared for, and yes, loved.”

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