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Choosing Love Over Fear

There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections.
John Lennon

A Message from Nancy Rosenow, Exchange Publisher, on behalf of the whole Exchange Team:

Monday morning brings us another chance to choose how we will greet the week. Will we let fear control us, or will we move forward in a spirit of love and acceptance? Our Exchange team has been talking a lot about this question. We realize that while we may not have a choice about what’s happening around us with COVID-19, we do have a choice about how we will react.

What does it mean to choose love instead of fear? Love in the broadest sense encompasses unconditional positive regard for others and a desire to be of service in the world. It helps us transcend our personal concerns to focus on the greater good.

When I wrote the book, Heart-Centered Teaching Inspired by Nature, I had no idea that a few years later the thoughts in the book would be intensely tested. Here’s one passage:

“How do we weather ‘storms’ in our lives, and what might we gain from them? Nature uses storms to promote strength. Trees develop sturdy trunks and branches as they weather high winds, pounding rain and heavy snow. Young saplings that stay tied to stakes too long do not develop strong trunks and may easily break in even moderate winds. It’s the struggle during the storm that helps a young tree develop resilience. And so it is with human beings, for we too are a part of nature.”

When I re-read these words I had to ask myself if I still believe them. After some soul searching I can honestly say I do. This really challenging time is calling us all to become stronger, more resilient versions of ourselves. And I believe one way that leads to resilience is moving away from fear to consciously ask, “what is something I can do to add more loving energy to the world today?”

Thank you early childhood community for being a positive force in our world. Your love and resilience can do more good during this trying time than you may realize. 

Please take good care,

T.Bagby - Spend lesss time gathering information and more time teaching.

EKU - Earn a bachelor's online and become a child life specialist.

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