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Appropriate Risk Builds Resilience

Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you’re climbing it.
Andy Rooney

In a Harvard Business Review article, authors Keith Ferazzi, Mary-Clare Race, and Alex Vincent outline seven strategies teams can use to build more resilience. Here’s one of them:

“Resourcefulness: When faced with challenges or problems, can your team pull together to build creative and effective solutions? Resilient teams rebound from setbacks and welcome new challenges. They devote their energy to solutions and remain focused on outcomes regardless of external conditions.”

Rusty Keeler, in his popular book, Adventures in Risky Play, discusses how adults can help children build their resilience by allowing them to tackle and overcome appropriate risks. He explains:

“You love play. You champion it. You celebrate it. You support it! And yet, you may also stop it. Sometimes purposefully. Sometimes unwittingly…

I say this with all love and support…It’s time to question some of our pre-conceived notions about the adult’s role in children’s play. And adults ruling children’s play. It might get uncomfortable. It will definitely get messy. But if you can stick with me, I promise that exciting potential for positive change awaits.”

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