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Helping Adults Succeed

by Gigi Schweikert
September/October 2013
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/helping-adults-succeed/5021316/

As a supervisor, you’re probably full of ideas and energy, a strong work ethic, and lots of enthusiasm. So are you wondering why everyone you supervise isn’t as excited as you? Do you get frustrated because some adults don’t complete the work you ask them to do? One of the greatest challenges for supervisors is realizing that our employees don’t always share our expertise and commitment. Sometimes adults do their job and sometimes they don’t. And even if our employees do follow through, they often don’t do the work like we want it done.

So how do we help adults succeed? Let’s think about working with children. If a child isn’t functioning well in our program, perhaps having separation problems or misbehaving, we don’t immediately say, “What’s wrong with that kid?” No, we look at ourselves, we look at our role as a teacher: Did I set up the room appropriately? Are my expectations realistic? Have I given the child enough attention and support? It’s the same with adults.

Now let’s think about the child who exhibits challenging behavior. As early childhood professionals, we would never say, “I don’t think that kid’s ever going to crawl, so don’t worry about taking that ...

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