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Benefits of Mixed Age Grouping

"Without a goal to work toward, we will not get there." - Natasha Josefowitz

Benefits of Mixed Age Grouping

In "The Benefits of the Mix" (Exchange, November 1998), Lilian Katz makes a compelling case for the benefits that accrue when children are mixed with others of different ages.  For example, she observes...

Social Benefits
Research indicates that children associate different expectations by age very early. Preschoolers will modify their behavior when trying to comfort a baby versus a same-age peer. Even a three year old assigns different attributes and behavior to the picture of a younger than an older child. By about the age of four, children themselves feel pressure to match their age-mates in many behaviors and abilities. Needless to say, this pressure gives rise to strong competitive behaviors and early forms of one-upmanship!

Intellectual Benefits
Research on the development of communicative competence -- a major aspect of development during the preschool years -- shows that even three and four year olds modify their statements depending on the ages of the persons they are addressing. For example, they modify the length and complexity, voice and tone of their verbal expression to create a favorable communication environment depending on the age of the recipient. This means that both the older and younger ones in a mixed-age group have ample opportunity to sharpen their communicative skills by taking note of the characteristics of others around them, and by "reading" their feelings and wishes.

For those interested in pursuing age mixing or the work of Lilian Katz in more detail, we offer a number of choices:
*  Katz's article, "The Benefit of the Mix" is available for free on our home page at

*  The Beginnings Workshop on "Multi-Age Caregiving"  which includes Katz's article, can be purchased at

*  A number of Exchange articles by Lilian Katz can be purchased from at Exchange Online Articles.  Go to and type in "Katz" in the search tool.

*  An article by Katz, "Looking at the Quality of Early Childhood Programs," is one of 20 articles (including many evaluation tools) on the latest Exchange on CD collection, "Taking Stock" at

*  And, last but certainly not least, you will be able to hear Lilian Katz in person at the 2005 World Forum on Early Care and Education. Check this out at

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