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The Possibilities of Leadership

"Good enough never is." - Debbie Fields

The Possibilities of Leadership

ExchangeEveryDay reader, Janet Humphryes, shared a book she recommends, The Art of Possibility by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander (New York: Penguin Books, 2002).  She included these intriquing excerpts:

"The foremost challenge for leaders today, is to maintain the clarity to stand confidently in the abundant universe of possibility...  It is to have the courage and persistence to distinguish the downward spiral from the radiant realm of possibility in the face of any challenge...Radiating possibility begins with things as they are and highlights open spaces, the pathways leading out from here.  Then the obstacles are simply present conditions - they are merely what has happened or is happening...This new leader carries the distinction that it is the framework of fear and scarcity, not scarcity itself, that promotes divisions between people.  He asserts that we can create the conditions for the emergence of anything that is missing.  This leader calls upon our passion rather than our fear.  She is the relentless architect of the possibility that human beings can be..."

"The frames our minds create define - and confine - what we perceive to be possible.  Every problem, every dilemma, every dead end we find ourselves facing in life, only appears unsolvable inside a particular frame or point of view.  Enlarge the box, or create another frame around the data, and problems vanish, while new opportunities appear...Talk about the dreams and aspirations in common, talk about spirit, talk about being...with possibility."

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