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Relationship Marketing as a Competitive Edge

Don't worry that children never listen to you. Worry that they are always watching you.
Robert Fulghum

You see their ads, their four-color brochure, their big new sign. How can you compete for enrollment against the sophisticated marketing being done by the center down the street? Though it takes creative marketing collateral and activities to communicate your center’s unique message and generate inquiries, the answer to this question may already be within your center.

The parents whose children are currently enrolled in your center are your most cost-effective marketing resource. How they feel they are treated by you and your staff can cause them to become loyal customers, or drive them into the waiting arms of your competitors. How can you help those parents become customers who are not merely satisfied with your services, but enthusiastic ambassadors for your center? You do it through an ongoing process I refer to as relationship marketing.

To learn more, go to the new Marketing Exchange feature on our web site at

Here you can view the full tip sheet "Relationship Marketing as a Competitive Edge". This tip sheet was prepared for Exchange by marketing guru Julie Wassom and is one of her monthly marketing features for Exchange. You will also be invited to submit your ideas on how you practice exceptional customer relations despite a competitive environment around your early childhood program.

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