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Ways to Lighten Your Load

They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.
Andy Warhol

On the home page of our web site,, there are always six free articles from past issues of Exchange. Currently one of these articles is “I Was Such a Fabulous Teacher, What Happened?” by Kate Duffy. In this article she offered some suggestions to new directors on how to make the job less stressful, including the following…

  1. Get clear on your vision and mission and create a plan to carry it out. Knowing where you are going will give you a far better chance of getting there. Ask yourself what three things matter most. What do you believe in?
  2. Identify the challenges you face and get the support you need to work through them. The greatest learning arises out of the greatest challenge. What can you learn today and who or what can support you?
  3. Raise your standards and your staff will raise theirs, too. Raise the bar for yourself, commit to excellence, improve your self care — it will be contagious.
  4. Develop clear, consistent, and loving boundaries. Decide how you want to be treated by others and tell them. Do you say “yes” and mean “no” or visa versa?
  5. Make the shift from “poor me” to “lucky me.” To get yourself out of the mud, you must first shift your perspective. By telling yourself things are terrible, you will feel terrible. Tell yourself how you are lucky and you’ll feel lucky.

    Contributed by Exchange, The Early Childhood Learders' Magazine Since 1978 

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