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Promoting Native Speakers in USA

Leaders are the ones who keep faith with the past, keep step with the present, and keep the promise to posterity.
Harold J. Seymour

In a speech at a National Indian Education Association summit, NIEA President Ryan Wilson said he wants Congress to back legislation designed to help preserve American Indian languages. In an article reporting on the summit, Education Week (February 22, 2006) reported that although there are about 175 indigenous languages spoken in the United States (mostly by middle-age or elderly people), no more than 20 Native languages are being passed on to Indian children.  According to Wilson immersion in Indian languages provides benefits for Indian children socially, which leads to improved educational outcomes.

Lilian Sparks, executive director of NIEA observed, "Our languages are part of our identity, our religion, and our culture. If we lose our languages, we lose a lot of what we are as Native people."

Contributed by Exchange, The Early Childhood Leaders' Magazine Since 1978

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