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Spring Thaw

Spring is nature's way of saying, 'Let's party!'
Robin Williams

Exceptional teachers extend learning experiences for young children. The story that follows comes from the experiences of a gifted teacher of kindergarten children.

"During outdoor winter play, several children filled a bucket with ice and asked to take it into the classroom. The teacher agreed, recognizing that the ice would make an interesting addition to the classroom as it melted. As the ice melted, one child was discouraged from drinking the water, with the teacher noting that they used water from the tap. The teacher also remarked that, in some countries, children do not have fresh water readily available. This last comment sparked a discussion about water, its availability, and its relationship to child health . . . an extended learning experience that didn’t end there.

"Through a connection with Foster Parents Plan, the children extended their knowledge further by inviting a representative from the organization to their classroom, thereby extending their learning about children in other countries. A fund-raising project to help children without clean water was initiated and, when completed, the class went on a community walk to deliver their contribution."

The rest of the story is cited from The Journal – Year in Review 2005, a publication of Foster Parents Plan.

"Child participation by four-year-olds
Last year, after a teacher told her Junior Kindergarten students about what life was like in developing countries, she and the four-year-olds raised $200 and made the trek to our Toronto office. They came from the Mothercraft Centre for Early Development and listened attentively as a staff member told them how their money would help children overseas. One of the options was new soccer balls. Another was clean water. The children voted and a show of hands picked the water project. The soccer balls will have to wait."

Contributed by Laurie McNelles – Mothercraft Institute for Early Development

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