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Listening Opportunities

Listening, not imitation, may be the sincerest form of flattery.
Dr. Joyce Brothers

The Exchange curriculum guide, Hearing Everyone’s Voice: Educating Children for Peace and Democratic Community, offers the following advice on listening to children…

“…it is critical that we observe and listen carefully to hear the messages the children send to us. When they are heard, children are empowered. The affirmation of empowerment leads to further growth and development in speaking out. Probably there is no other skill more needed in our work with children than real listening. Perceptive listening includes keen observation skills as well. The key to really listening is to be non judgmental. Describe but do not judge. When you are focused on what a person is really saying, and on the feelings behind the words, then you can really hear what is being said. However, when you are trying to figure out what you will say next, or solve the problem, you’ll probably miss the real meaning being expressed.”

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