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What If a Work Ethic Begins Very Early?

But it's not just learning things that's important. It's learning what to do with what you learn and learning why you learn things at all that matters.
Norton Juster, The Phantom Tollbooth

I have wondered over the years how early childhood programs contribute to a child’s eventual career choice and success as a worker. What would a child have to experience to grow up to be a responsible worker and competent citizen? It seems to me a positive work ethic starts early in a child’s life. Play may be the child’s work essential to constructive development, but work — real work as part of a family, a classroom, or a team — also plays a vital role.

In The New York Times Magazine, November 26, 2006, Paul Tough quotes a charter school educator working with low-income children: “I think we have to teach work ethic in the same way we teach adding fractions with unlike denominators. But once children have got the work ethic and the commitment to others and to education down, it’s actually pretty easy to teach them.”

Early educators can learn valuable aspects of learning from charter and other innovative schools. Here are adaptations to Tough’s summarized list:

Help young children learn to take in information by carrying out the SLANT approach to learning taught at the KIPP schools in New York City and elsewhere:

Source: Paul Tough, Still Left Behind: What It Will Really Take to Close the Education Gap. The New York Times Magazine, November 26, 2006, 44-51, 69-72, 77. Online: go to and search for this article by title, author, or date.

Submitted by Edna Ranck

Online degrees in early childhood education
Completely online from a regionally accredited institution - the University of Cincinnati!

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