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Cornerstones of Early Childhood

You must first have a lot of patience to learn to have patience.
Stanislaw J. Lec

At a recent meeting of the World Forum Alliance member, Consultative Group on Early Care and Development, the following statement, "Four Cornerstones to Secure a Strong Foundation for Young Children," was developed....

Early childhood provides a strong foundation for success in education and good health. Investing in young children saves money and pays off in the long run.

1. Start at the beginning.
Integrate child development, early stimulation, and parenting information into prenatal, early health, and education services.

2. Get ready for success.
Ensure access to at least one year of quality early childhood development services prior to formal school entry, beginning with the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children.

3. Improve primary school quality.
Increase investments and improve quality in Grade 1 by providing teachers with knowledge and training in early childhood development, adequate learning materials for children, and smaller classes.

4. Promote early childhood policy development.
Include early childhood in all national policies, plans, and instruments including Fast Track Initiative and Poverty Reduction Strategies, and ensure adequate resources and multi-sectoral coordination.

For more information on the Consultative Group, scroll down the list of World Foru Alliance members.

Design Classic On Sale

Exchange's best selling Caring Spaces, Learning Places by Jim Greenman is on sale this week at a 20% discount.
In Caring Spaces, Greenman provides practical advice based on sound theory on all aspects of organizing the curriculum
and designing indoor and outdoor spaces.

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