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Hardy in Hard Times

Remember that children, marriages, and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get.
H. Jackson Brown, Jr., author

A Psychology Today (August 2009) article on Lance Armstrong, "Livestrong and Prosper," asked, "Do hard times make you hardier?"  It cited the study of a faltering company to answer this...

"...while two-thirds of the workers became stressed, depressed, and withdrawn, the rest actually flourished.  Their work performance improved, they retained their positive moods, and they showed no adverse health effects.... The hardy survivors had superior coping strategies: They viewed adversity as opportunity for growth, became even more committed to their goals, and believed in their own efficacy. Most of them had had a stressful childhood, but a lot of support from parents or teachers; they were encouraged and helped to toughen up, and they retained these lessons."

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