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Evaluation for Change

The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955), German-born theoretical physicist

Thelma Harms gives advice on how to use rating scales to promote change in programs in her article, "Making Long-lasting Changes with the Environment Rating Scales," in the January issue of Exchange magazine.  In the article she cautions against going for quick fixes...

"It is quite common for programs to underestimate the time and effort it will take to make long-lasting changes.  Anyone who has lost weight on a miracle diet and gained it all back will tell you that quick changes, although dramatic, do not continue unless deeply rooted habits that influence daily practices are changed.  Recognizing this reality has caused many QRIS programs to provide technical assistance over a longer period of time instead of going over the ‘Plan of Action’ in a one-time consultation, and leaving the sometimes overwhelming implementation process to the staff.

It is invaluable to have the guidance of a consultant who has been well trained on the ERS, has knowledge of many different types of resources, and vast experience with a variety of facilities and programs.  The consultant needs a number of appointments to work with the classroom improvement team, in order to break the improvement plan down into more manageable phases.  Instead of trying to improve all the low-scoring ERS items at the same time, the staff could be helped to work on one subscale of the ERS, or even on a few items at a time."

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In an age when magazines are shrinking and folding faster than care companies, Exchange magazine continues to expand and improve.  For example, the January issue of Exchange magazine included 8 regular columns plus 24 feature articles such as the following...

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Exchange offers special pricing for group subscriptions to Exchange magazine. For details, email Sandra Duncan at [email protected]

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