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Open Yourself to Change

I love the sound of the pages flicking against my fingers. Print against fingerprints. Books make people quiet, yet they are so loud.
Nnedi Okorafor, author and comic book writer

Most of us resist making changes, taking risks. However, in Imagineering (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1980), Michael LeBoeuf encourages one to "open your mind to new alternatives." He argues...

"New ideas rarely come from thinking and doing the same old things. Make a conscious effort to introduce change into your life. I'm not suggesting radical, wholesale changes, although sometimes that can be very beneficial. Take stock of everything in your life and question its existence. Ask yourself, 'Am I doing this because it's enjoyable and stimulating or because it's safe?' Make an effort to meet people with varying viewpoints and hear them out. Take up a totally new hobby or pastime. Try visiting or living in another city or country. Replacing the familiar with the unfamiliar is a worthwhile investment in your own growth. In addition to becoming more creative, you'll develop the inner security and self-confidence that can only come from successfully meeting new ideas, people, and situations. Don't allow the security blanket of the familiar to smother your success."

A totally new line up of FREE light bulb moments! Free ECE Webinars by leading experts!

#1. PreK through 3rd alignment
Barbara Chester 
#2. Managing ECE Crises
Beth Englehardt 
#3. ECE Program Culture
Dr. Lynne Kenney 
#4. Great Preschool Staffing
Julie Bartkus 

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