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10 Donor Questions

Encouraging a child means that one or more of the following critical life messages are coming through, either by word or by action: I believe in you, I trust you, I know you can handle this, You are listened to, You are cared for, You are very important to me.
Barbara Coloroso, American author and educational consultant

The NonProfit Times (May 15, 2010) identified the questions every donor will ask when approached for a charitable contribution...

  1. Why are you pinpointing me for giving?
  2. Do I respect you?
  3. How much do you want?
  4. Why your organization?
  5. How will my gift make a difference?
  6. Is there an urgency to make the gift?
  7. How easy is it to give?
  8. How will I be treated?
  9. How will you measure results?
  10. Will I have a say in how you use my money?

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