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The Television Tussle

We can shift culture and consciousness right where we are—only if we believe in our own sweet wisdom, only if we are willing to say, even when our voice trembles: 'Their children are our children.'
Valerie Kaur, Author, Activist, Lawyer

In her Exchange book, The Top Ten Preschool Parenting Problems, Roslyn Duffy observes that one of the hardest challenges parents face is limiting the impact of television on their children's development.  Duffy cited research showing that children imitate aggressive behavior they observe on television, and that children who engage in heavy television watching are less likely to be able to read and less likely to spend time outdoors.  Here are some of the steps Duffy suggests to parents to limit the impact of television...

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Blood Borne Pathogen Training

Teach staff members about Blood Borne Pathogens and Universal Precautions. Includes facilitator manual, training DVD, and quiz.


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