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Why Abrasive Leaders Succeed

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
Maya Angelou

In a field where nurturing and compassion are valued deeply, even suggesting that abrasive behavior may have an upside is a bit of heresy.  But every once and a while you do encounter an dominating, even at times obnoxious, leader who actually seems to inspire loyalty and get things done.  Take Martha Stewart as an example.

Now, just to be clear, this is not a defense of abrasive behavior.  However, in Psychology Today (October 2011), Carlin Flora explains in her article "The Art of Influence" why abrasive leaders sometimes succeed:

"First... they have talent and brains that far outweigh their impatience and temper...

"Second, abrasive leaders are able to succeed [because]... they have genuine passion and a compelling vision that transcend making a buck.

But, Flora adds, "Not everyone agrees that outsize talent excuses outsize tantrums...  The ideal influencer is a 'transformational leader' who brings out the best in underlings by developing their strengths, holding them to high standards, and being totally transparent about goals and strategies."

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