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Five Ways to Boost Retention

The noun of self becomes a verb. This flashpoint of creation in the present moment is where work and play merge.
Stephen Nachmanovitch

In her article, "Five Ways to Boost Retention," in Harvard Business Review On Point (Winter 2012), Judith Ross offers these five proven practices:

1. Provide room to grow. "Nothing is more frustrating for an employee than discovering that he has exhausted growth opportunities at this company."

2. Continually enrich the experience. Keep employees engaged by "working with them to expand their skill set and empowering them to do more."

3. Express appreciation. "Many companies now link base pay more to value creation and less to rank or years of service. In doing so, it is essential to communicate clearly to all employees how value is determined."

4. Counteract stress.  "Employee stress is a symptom of all the other things that can go wrong in a workplace. People are often expected to accomplish more with fewer resources in less time. Abuse, harassment, insensitivity, inflexibility of work hours, and repeatedly being forced to choose work over family life are all contributors."

5. Cement connections with leaders. "Employees often have three questions about their leaders: 'Will they steer the ship to success?' 'Can I trust them to do what they say?' 'Do they have trust and confidence in me.'"


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