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Beyond Remote Controlled Childhoods

When we look into our own hearts and begin to discover what is confused and what is brilliant, what is bitter and what is sweet, it isn’t just ourselves that we’re discovering. We’re discovering the universe.
Pema Chodron

In her new book, Remote-Controlled Childhood: Teaching Young Children in the Media Age, Diane Levin provides these introductory comments:

"The environment in which many young children are growing up today is saturated with screen media such as television programs, movies, apps, video and computer games, and Internet websites.  Children have a rapidly expanding number of ways to access this screen media — including through televisions, computers, and handheld devices such as tablets, smartphones, and video game consoles.  In addition, children are exposed to numerous toys and products that are linked to what they see on screens.  This media-saturated environment touches most aspects of children's lives and is a central part of the foundation they are building to understand their world, how it works, how they fit into it, and how they can influence it.  Often it affects how they behave and treat one another.  It even shapes how they learn, what they want to learn — and much more....

"Not all media exposure and technology use is inherently negative or passive.  There can be situations where children use technology to write, create, learn, and share information.  Video-chatting with a grandparent who lives far away can be a meaningful way to keep in touch.  In addition, not all children are exposed to the same types and amounts of screen use.  Nevertheless, the ever-growing influence of media exposure and technology use means that adults should be knowledgeable about and pay close attention to children's screen-related activities.  What children are experiencing and learning through media can be a cause for concern... about how the influence of media and technology on children surfaces at school and home, affecting children's thinking, behavior, interests, and relationships."

Diane Levin will be giving a featured presentation, "Beyond Remote-Controlled Childhoods" at 2013 NAEYC National Convention.

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