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Tiger Mom Revisited

Childhood is the world of miracle and wonder: as if creation rose and bathed in light, out of the darkness, utterly new and fresh and astonishing. The end of childhood is when things cease to astonish us. When the world seems familiar, when we have got used to existence, one has become an adult.
Eugene Ionesco

In his article, "The Gift of Talent," in the Beginnings Professional Development Workshop curriculum unit Talent and Passion, David Elkind talks about the relative importance of socialization and individualization, and uses the Tiger Mom phenomenon as an example of socialization:

"It is really frightening that we are now trying to model our educational system after that of Asian countries.  Our schools are increasingly emphasizing rote learning, fixed curriculum, and the curtailing of teachers’ freedom to innovate.  Many schools have done away with recess to devote more time to academics.  Late afternoon Cram Schools, which flourish in Asia, have become increasingly popular here....

"In trying to emulate the Chinese, we may be taking away the freedom young people have to play, daydream, and to learn things in a style that is best for them.  Such activities are not a waste of time, but are essential to the stimulation of original thought.  It is not surprising that truly talented individuals like Bill Gates and the late Steve Jobs, both dropped out of the university because it was too confining.

"Certainly we want our children to be socialized, to learn the tool skills and acquire the knowledge and values that will make them good citizens.  But we also want them to be able, as famed Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget wrote, 'to think for themselves and not to accept the first idea that comes to them.'  Individualization and socialization are complementary and not in conflict with one another....  The goal of education and parenting should be to have children who are original, but who use their originality for the common good."

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