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Training on a Shoestring

The nice thing about teamwork is that you always have others on your side.
Margaret Carty

"In a recent study of workforce performance... firms that actively encourage employee development and offer opportunities for employee involvement made much larger gains in productivity than those that didn't, observed Bob Nelson in 1501 Ways to Reward Employees (New York:  Workman Publishing, 2012).  As a result, Nelson recommends not cutting back on training when times are tough but to enact these approaches:

"If space and dollars are limited, select top performers to participate in the training you provide.  When times are tough, those with the most potential tend to shine even brighter and should be the first to be developed.

"Review existing training programs and evaluate which proved to be the most valuable and engendered the most return on investment.  Cut those that have the least amount of benefits.

Complete science, technology, engineering and mathematics solutions for PreK and K. Each kit comes with an activity guide, all materials needed, and two hours of professional support for teachers.  Courses are accessible online.

he Children Learning with Nature Training Institute is an inspiring gathering of voices from around the globe celebrating the joys of working with children in nature. Transform your teachers, register today!

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