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How Women Change Men

There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.
Nelson Mandela

"A spate of recent research backs the idea that close relationships with women can dramatically sway men's attitudes and behavior at home and at work," declares a report in the Atlantic Monthly (December 2013).

"Male CEOs typically pay employees less and themselves more after having sons, but this trend doesn't hold with daughters.  In fact male CEOs with first born daughters actually pay their employees more, giving female employees the biggest raises.

"Men who have daughters also grow less attached to traditional gender roles: they become less likely to agree with the statement that 'a woman's place is in the home,' for instance, and more likely to agree that men should wash dishes and do other chores.

"Having a sister, however, has the opposite effect, making men more supportive of traditional gender roles, more conservative politically, and less likely to perform housework."

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