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Passion Spreads

Hope is a risk that must be run.
Georges Bernanos in "Why Freedom?"

Having a problem with staff morale?  According to David DiSalvo, in his article "10 Reasons Why Some People Love What They Do" in Psychology Today (May/June 2013), it may take just one passionate person to turn the tide:

"People want to be around others who are passionate about what they do — it's infectious.  So, let's take a person who loves what she does and place her among a group of people far less directed, far less passionate, and a little confused about why they do what they do.  Does it mean anything at all?  Some people are probably so jaded that nothing will change their perspective, but others will take notice.  When they get a taste, they want a bigger taste — even if they aren't exactly sure why.  They'll start feeling a strange, uplifting sensation about coming to work."

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