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Good Interview Questions

Life is a grindstone, and whether it grinds a man down or polishes him up depends on the stuff he's made of.
Josh Billings

"Ultimately, the best interview questions help reveal both who the applicant really is, and how she would perform on the job.  Always ask open-ended questions, rather than those with “yes” or “no” answers, and avoid leading questions where the correct answer is implied."  This is the advice given by Jennifer Carsen in her article, "Questions that Get You Great Teachers," which is included in the Beginnings Workshop curriculum unit, Power of Questions.  Here are some questions she recommends:

What accomplishments are you most proud of in your life?  Everyone has something they can — and should — be proud of, and the best candidates will probably be able to talk about more than one thing.

Where do you see yourself in five years?  There’s no ­single right answer to this question, but the answer is always illuminating.  “I have no idea” is never a good answer.  Neither is something like, “I see myself as a ­manager at a large corporation” if you’re looking for a long-term hire.

What would your previous (or current) manager say your strengths and weaknesses are?  This one is illuminating, as it requires an additional level of thinking beyond the candidate’s own self-assessment.

What did you like most and least about your previous job?  The answer will reveal not only the applicant’s job and task preferences, but also her professionalism and level of diplomacy.

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