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Are You a Naturalist?

People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.
Dale Carnegie

In Engaging Adult Learners Using Multiple Intelligences, Constant Hine describes people with a strong naturalist intelligence:

"[They] have a well-developed ability to observe, discern patterns, and classify information, data, and objects.  They also are natural biologists and have a keen understanding of the environment and nature.  They may have a talent with plants and have a 'green thumb' or a particular affinity or skill with animals, like a 'horse whisperer.'  They can also be avid collectors, such as stamp collections, baseball cards, hats, thimbles, or any other item.  

"If this is one of your strong intelligences, then you likely naturally teach from your strong intelligence using naturalist strategies.  For example, presenters with strong naturalist intelligence may bring flowers from their gardens to brighten a room, or make table centerpieces with natural items  like pine cones, shells, stones.  You may have discovered that it can be very helpful to use objects of nature to help participants engage in your content or activities."

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