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Excellent Sheep

You will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated.
Maya Angelou

"Excellent sheep," according to critic William Deresiewicz, "are people who seek to keep scoring highly in the challenges that are put before them.  But they do not stop (or have the time to stop) and reflect upon the achievements they are pursuing."

Richard Newton in his book, The Little Book about Thinking Big enlarges upon this point:

"They may be working hard and sacrifice much of their life in order to win laurels and triumph — but ultimately they are in danger of succeeding in things that don't really matter to them....  People don't have time to reflect because they are always 'on' — always connected, always pursuing the next objective, but rarely heading towards their true north."

Softerware, Make Managing Your Childcare Center Easier.

California Baptist University.

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