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What Makes You Happy?

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.
Lao Tzu

The article, "The Lazy Way To An Awesome Life" on the Barking Up the Wrong Tree website offers this insight about happiness:

"Would an extra $10,000 dollars a year make you happier? I'll assume you're nodding. Research shows 10K only provides a 2% increased chance of happiness.

"Meanwhile, being surrounded by happy friends makes you 15% more likely to be happy. Even if a friend of a friend of a friend becomes happier, that means a 6% chance you will become happier. So the happiness of people you have never met — and may never meet — is three times as powerful as money.

"Spending time making friends has a higher happiness ROI than time spent making money. So next time you meet up with a happy pal, ask them to bring a friend. Even a lazy person can manage that."

Hands-On Science and Math.

California Baptist University.

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